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We have a very proud art teacher!

We are thrilled to celebrate the wonderful artwork of Academia Bilingual School Basel pupils who participated in the "Zeichne ein House" project. Many of our talented artists made it to the final rounds with their creative designs. We offer a very special congratulations to Felix (1st), Moritz (1st) and Shloka (2nd) for their awards is a very competitive contest! Keep on drawing and designing, your wonderful ideas are terrific!#BilingualSchool #Artists #ZeichneEinHouse
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We have a very proud art teacher!

We are thrilled to celebrate the wonderful artwork of Academia Bilingual School Basel pupils who participated in the Zeichne ein House project. Many of our talented artists made it to the final rounds with their creative designs. We offer a very special congratulations to Felix (1st), Moritz (1st) and Shloka (2nd) for their awards is a very competitive contest! Keep on drawing and designing, your wonderful ideas are terrific!#BilingualSchool #Artists #ZeichneEinHouseImage attachmentImage attachment

🗣️: “It was a bit tiring but overall VERY FUN!”

Together, ABS Basel achieved great things at the interschool sport x-country.

They ran, skipped, walked and sang their way to appreciate the importance of developing healthy habits in a community atmosphere.

Big congratulations to all the pupils who took part and to Baselland International School - BLIS for the organisation.

See you again soon as ABS Basel hosts this year's football gala day!

#AcademiaBilingualSchool #ABSBasel #InterSchoolSport
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🗣️: “It was a bit tiring but overall VERY FUN!”

Together, ABS Basel achieved great things at the interschool sport x-country. 

They ran, skipped, walked and sang their way to appreciate the importance of developing healthy habits in a community atmosphere. 

Big congratulations to all the pupils who took part and to Baselland International School - BLIS  for the organisation. 

See you again soon as ABS Basel hosts this years football gala day! 

#AcademiaBilingualSchool #ABSBasel #InterSchoolSportImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

Kantonale Kontrollen gemeistert 🤩

Academia Bilingual School Winterthur und Terra Nova in Küsnacht haben erneut ihre Kompetenz und Exzellenz unter Beweis gestellt.

Die kürzlich durchgeführten kantonalen Kontrollen, die alle zwei Jahre stattfinden, haben beide Schulen mit Bravour bestanden.

Dieser Erfolg bestätigt unsere hohen Bildungsstandards und die hervorragende Arbeit unserer Lehrpersonen.

Wir sind stolz auf unsere Teams und unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler - Chapeau!

#academiabilingualschool #AcademiaTerranova #excellenceinteaching
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Kantonale Kontrollen gemeistert 🤩

Academia Bilingual School Winterthur und Terra Nova in Küsnacht haben erneut ihre Kompetenz und Exzellenz unter Beweis gestellt. 

Die kürzlich durchgeführten kantonalen Kontrollen, die alle zwei Jahre stattfinden, haben beide Schulen mit Bravour bestanden.

Dieser Erfolg bestätigt unsere hohen Bildungsstandards und die hervorragende Arbeit unserer Lehrpersonen.

Wir sind stolz auf unsere Teams und unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler - Chapeau!

#AcademiaBilingualSchool #AcademiaTerraNova #ExcellenceInTeaching

Creative Bonds 🤝

Recently, ABS Basel Year 3 visited a nearby aged care home for a creative collaboration, led by Mrs. Berger.

We're delighted to share some wonderful feedback from the home’s activity leader:

“Our creative meeting last week was a complete success. It was so nice to see how calmly and focused the residents painted together with the children! What a great idea!”

The children, initially a bit nervous, found joy in the experience. It's inspiring to see the connections formed between young and old through art.

#AcademiaBilingualSchool #ABSBasel #art #AgedCareHome
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Creative Bonds 🤝

Recently, ABS Basel Year 3 visited a nearby aged care home for a creative collaboration, led by Mrs. Berger. 

Were delighted to share some wonderful feedback from the home’s activity leader:

“Our creative meeting last week was a complete success. It was so nice to see how calmly and focused the residents painted together with the children! What a great idea!”

The children, initially a bit nervous, found joy in the experience. Its inspiring to see the connections formed between young and old through art.

#AcademiaBilingualSchool #ABSBasel #art #AgedCareHomeImage attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

Mastering Parcours 🤸

In recent sports lessons, ABS Basel Year 6 tackled an exciting unit on parkour, under the expert guidance of Mr. Locker.

They started with mastering the safe use of various gym equipment and learning proper execution techniques.

The class then creatively designed and taught their parkour routines to classmates.

Their engagement shone brightly, both in understanding the theoretical aspects and in practical application.

We commend Year 6 for their outstanding achievements – they have every reason to be proud.

#academiabilingualschool #ABSBasel #parcours
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Mastering Parcours 🤸

In recent sports lessons, ABS Basel Year 6 tackled an exciting unit on parkour, under the expert guidance of Mr. Locker. 

They started with mastering the safe use of various gym equipment and learning proper execution techniques. 

The class then creatively designed and taught their parkour routines to classmates. 

Their engagement shone brightly, both in understanding the theoretical aspects and in practical application. 

We commend Year 6 for their outstanding achievements – they have every reason to be proud.

#AcademiaBilingualSchool #ABSBasel #parcoursImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment
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